Hot Cross Buns

Cooking time: 30 mins

Difficulty: Medium


-500g Bread Flour.
-5g salt.
-75g sugar.
-1 packet of fast action yeast.
-1 Large Egg.
-300g milk.
-50g unsalted butter.
-200g mixed dried fruit.
-1 Oranges zested.
-2g Cinnamon.
-1g of Clove, Nutmeg & Ginger all Ground.
-100g of plain flour for dusting.


-Bring your milk and unsalted butter to the boil then leave to one side to call completely.
-Place your bread flour, salt, sugar and fast action yeast into a bowl then beat in your milk mixture and one beaten egg.
-Mix this for 7-8 Minutes on the lowest setting of your mixer or need with your hands for 10.
-After needing and with a lightly greased clingfilm for One hour or until doubled in size.
-Now knock back and mix in your fruit, spices & orange zest. Leave for another hour covered until doubled in size again.
-Divided into 12 balls and Place into a lined roasting tray. Cover loosely and set aside for another hour covered. In the meantime, create a thick paste with the 100g plain flour & water, Place into a piping bag ready to create the crosses.
-When your buns a proved pipe over your flour paste creating the iconic crosses.
-Preheat your oven to 200C & bake your buns for 20 mins until golden brown. Then set aside to cool, these can be glazed with some boiled marmalade or with the juice & zest of 2 Oranges, 100g sugar and a pinch of cinnamon reduced by half Enjoy.


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