Nanny Pat’s Trifle

Cooking time: 1.5 hrs

SERVES: Serves 8-10


Layer 1

- 7 Ladies’ Fingers
- 300ml Fino Sherry
- 8 Strawberries
- 1 Small tin of Fruit Cocktail
- 500g Frozen Strawberries
- 50g Caster Sugar
- 200g Sherry
- 200g Pimm’s
- 2 1/2 sheets gelatine (large sheets)

Layer 2

- 400ml Milk
- 200ml Double Cream
- 40g Birds Custard Powder
- 1 vanilla pod (de-seeded)
- 60g Caster Sugar
- 8 Egg Yolks

Layer 3

- 600g Double Cream
- 60g Caster Sugar
- 1 vanilla pod (de-seeded)
- Chocolate (your favourite)
- Flaked almonds


Layer 1

- Soak each Ladies finger in your sherry and line along the bottom of your trifle dish.
- In a bowl of ice cold water soak your gelatine leaves for 5-10 minutes.
- In a medium saucepan on a high heat, cook down your frozen strawberries, sherry, sugar, drained fruit cocktail juice & Pimm’s. Then strain. Squeeze the excess water out of your gelatine and whisk into your hot liquor until fully dissolved.
- Cut up your fresh strawberries and pour on top of your soaked ladies fingers with the fruit cocktail.
- Then pour over your hot strawberry jelly.
- Leave to set in the fridge until fully firm.

Layer 2

- In a medium saucepan on a low heat, warm your milk, cream and vanilla seeds until steaming. Stir occasionally to ensure it doesn’t catch on the bottom of the pan - milk is notorious for this!
- In a large bow, whisk together the yolks, sugar & custard powder until fully smooth and combined.
- Pour in your hot infused milk & cream whilst whisking continuously.
- Place back on the stove and cook on a low heat, whisking constantly until you achieve a thick and smooth custard. Then leave to cool completely.
- Once your jelly is set, Poor your cold custard on top and leave in the fridge to firm.

Layer 3

- In a large bowl, whisk all ingredients together until the cream is thick and fluffy.
- Spoon the cream on top of your custard layer and spread into an even layer with a fork.
- Grate over your favourite chocolate, and sprinkle with flakes almonds.


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