Yorkshire Pudding

Cooking time: 30 mins

SERVES: 8-12


-1 mug of Plain Flour.
-1 mug of Eggs.
-1 mug of Milk.
-Black Pepper (to taste).
-Salt (to taste).
-Cooking oil (Vegetable or Sunflower works nicely).


-In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour and eggs until fully combined before slowly pouring in the milk whilst whisking continuously.
-Grease your muffin tins, and fill each one with 1 tablespoon of oil. (The base should be fully submerged).
-Pre-heat the oven to 190°c. Place the tins into the oven until hot. (The oil needs to be hot too!)
-Pour in your mixture until each tin is filled by 2/3. Place back in the oven and watch them grow! This should take around 20 mins at 190°c.. Golden Rule: Do not open the oven! You’re looking for large, fully grown, and beautifully brown Yorkies before you take them out.
-Make sure you fill them with gravy!

Now this recipe is about volume, not weight. So the size of the mug will be the deciding factor on how many yorkies you make, but providing you use the same mug/cup/bowl/glass for the flour, egg and milk.. you will have the perfect yorkie every time! These also freeze really well.


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